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Readers are Leaders!

 If your child reads a little each day, it will improve their overall performance in school.  Encourage your child to read today!



Hi my name is Stacie Kupsa,  I am the librarian here at  Ross Elementary. I am looking forward to another great year!  My school library mission is to help every student develop a LOVE  of reading, to become a skilled user of ideas and information and to explore the world through print and electronic media.  It is truly a pleasure to help each student work toward a higher level of achievement.


Ross Elementary will be offering the very successful school wide reading program Accelerated Reading (AR) again this year.  The AR theme for the 2021-22 school year is A SEA-full of Readers.  Students have the opportunity to earn all kinds of awesome awards by earning AR points through out the school year including becoming a Ross Millionaire! (students achieve this status by reading a million words are more during current school year). Students  also have the opportunity to receive weekly rewards for meeting their weekly reading goal. 


Just a final word, be sure and mark your calendars for our yearly Book Fair. It will be held March 7th-11th 2022 in Ross Elementary school library during school hours. Hope to see you and your student there!


(AR is a nationally recognized reading program that has been shown to significantly improve student reading levels)


Stacie Kupsa

Ross Elementary Librarian



Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” 

- Frederick Douglass

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